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I Made it Myself

Tis the season for…

Cutting an inch off the bottom of a hardy real Christmas tree to ensure the mighty green giant’s thirst is quenched with water, while our’s is quenched with eggnog.

Finding glitter in all the wrong places courtesy of glitter flocked greetings from loved ones, friends and co-workers.

Expect to find the fairy dust on the kitchen table, passenger car seat, bath tub, dog’s bed, and baby’s pacifier.

Receiving those cherished homemade ornaments from the kids and watching their excitement as they trim the tree with their precious craft.

We have 10 year old toddler do-it-yourself ornaments still making their way back onto the tree year after year courtesy of my older boy Eric.

How the popcorn garland continues to stay together through all the set up and take down ceremonies is a mystery to me.

It’s a Christmas miracle.

I remember one year I made the most hideous grey corduroy heart shaped ornament for my parents using left over fabric that I had on hand from the equally hideous grey corduroy drawstring tote I made in home economics class.

I added a heartfelt sentiment in silver glitter, and a hanging string to ensure it’s annual placement on the lucky bough of our family Christmas tree.

I know they probably thought it was an eye sore, but somehow it continued to make it’s cameo on our tree year after year.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

Now I know why.

Tis always the season for making baby food.

Today’s recipe is an easy cottage cheese and berries concoction that your older baby of 8 months+ can enjoy once you know they don’t have any dairy sensitivities.

Cultured cheeses and cheeses made from pasteurized milk such as cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese and hard cheeses such as cheddar and parmesan are your safest choices when introducing your baby to cheese.

Stay away from other varieties that are made with raw milk such as brie, feta and blue cheese as these “soft” cheeses may carry bacteria called listeria.

For more info. about introducing cheese into your babies diet see the Wholesome Baby Food website.


Sweet Berry Dream

Age – 8 months +


  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries (greens removed)
  • ½ cup of fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 tbsp. of cottage cheese at serving time

Baby Steps

  1. Add strawberries and blueberries to small sauce pan.  Cook over medium heat stirring often until tender and juicy, approx. 8 minutes if using frozen berries and 5 minutes if using fresh.
  2. Remove from heat and transfer to bowl to use hand held blender to puree.
  3. At serving time add 1 tbsp. of the berry mixture to 1 tbsp. of the cottage cheese.
  4. Stir together, serve, and watch baby’s face light up with glee.


Berry puree can be stored in the fridge for up to 48hrs.

It can also be frozen, so if you plan on freezing it then make double or triple this recipe and freeze in freezing trays to be used within 3 months.

Makes – Approx. 9 servings of berry puree

From my family to your’s, I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends and all of your favourite things.

Including the most hideous hand crafted ornament from your little one that is actually the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.

Kind of like E.T.